
Apply for Peer Supporter Certification Renewal

Renewal applications are processed on eLicense at (see below for full instructions)

The Adult, Family and Youth Peer Supporter Certification is valid for a period of 2 years, after which individuals must apply for Renewal. Renewal Applications should be submitted within 90 days of certification expiration.

As with other professional licensure and certifications, in order to maintain certification, it is necessary for individuals to remain in good standing. The Ohio Adult, Family, and Youth Certified Peer Supporter Code of Ethics is the professional standard of conduct for certification. When working for a provider, Consumer Operated Service or other organization, it is crucial to abide by the organization’s Employee Code of Conduct and the Ohio Adult, Family, and Youth Certified Peer Supporter Code of Ethics.

To apply for Peer Supporter Certification Renewal, you must do the following:

** all continuing education credits must be at least 1 hour long and have written goals and objectives.

CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECKS: If you have had no new felony offenses, criminal background checks are not required for renewal. If you have had a new felony offense, you must complete both a BCI and FBI criminal background check. CLICK HERE FOR BACKGROUND CHECK INSTRUCTIONS.

DUAL CERTIFICATION: If you hold more than one Peer Support Certification (Adult, Family or Youth), you are required to complete in eLicense a separate Renewal application each certification. You may use the same Continuing Education for multiple certifications, but you will need to submit your Continuing Education Log into eLicense along with each separate Renewal application.

Continuing Education (CE) Credit Hours:

Please note, as with other professional certifications, it is the responsibility of the certified Peer Supporter to independently research and obtain continuing education (CE). OhioMHAS does not provide a list of specific CE courses. At the bottom of these instructions, you may find a list of sample organizations offering CE.

Where to find training opportunities:

Below please find a list of samples of organizations that may offer online CE learning resources. Please note these are samples only - Peer Supporter renewal applicants must independently research continuing education: