Summit Recovery Hub
A Recovery Community Organization for Summit County, Ohio
Welcome to the Summit Recovery Hub
Summit Recovery Hub is dedicated to promoting sustained recovery by providing connection, pro-social community activity, support and advocacy to those affected by substance use, addiction, and mental health challenges.
Please Follow and Share
We're a Recovery Community Organization (RCO) serving Summit County, Ohio and we need the community's help to get the word out. Please visit our social media and like and follow. Feel free to share the information with any people or groups you think might be interested.
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We support all Summit County Peer Supports with our monthly SummitPEERS meeting where we get together and provide technical assistance and training to each other to develop our competencies and recommit ourselves to delivering the best quality peer support.
We are a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to advocating and supporting people affected by a substance use or mental health disorder achieve and sustain recovery. EIN 88-3143030